Founded in 1968, Blancasings Industriale is a leading company in the processing and distribution of natural and artificial casings.
The secret of its success is the combination of knowledge and experience accumulated in over 100 years of entrepreneurial activity in the main national and foreign markets.
One of the main qualities of the company is represented by the meticulous attention to every single processing process able to reach high standards of quality and precision.
It is only thanks to an incessant innovation activity, the professionalism of the staff and the great willingness to meet the needs of an increasingly diversified clientele, which the company has been able to achieve and maintain high quality standards.
As proof of the hard work, dedication to improvement and an innovative vision, two of the founders, David F. and David J. had the honor of holding the prestigious positions of president INSCA and president of AIIPA
Since 1968 we
have been protecting your interests...
Prodotti - Sottoprodotti animali
Carne Bovina Congelata
Selezioniamo carne Bovina fresca o congelata dai migliori produttori , in collaborazione con il nostro network internazionale, per soddisfare le specifiche richieste del cliente !
Attualmente siamo in grado di offrire Mezzine o Quarti congelati , inoltre siamo in grado di procedere ed eseguire macellazioni rito Kosher e Halal con specifica documentazione.
Offals – Edible (Beef – Pork)
Beef Green Omasum or Defeated
Beef Abomasum
Beef Tendons
Beef Honey Comb
Beef Tripe and Tripe Pieces
Veal Spinal Cord
Beef Aorta
Beef Testicles
Beef Gallstones
Beef Headmask
Beef Trachea
Beef Shin
Beef Shank
Con una consolidata esperienza nel comparto pellami , ci proponiamo come anello di congiunzione tra macelli e concerie estere di semi terminati, per utilizzo nel settore conciario.
Ci avvaliamo di collaboratori dei migliori produttori internazionali in grado di soddisfare gli elevati standard richiesti dal settore conciario italiano e Internazionale.